Friday 21 January 2011

Evaluation Question Three

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I conducted my audience feedback in the same way as my research as I felt this worked well. I sent a Facebook message to people who fit my audience asking them to follow a link and fill out a questionnaire.

This shows that, overall, my target audience are intrigued by the teaser trailer with the biggest percentage (33%) saying they would be very likely to see the film based soley on the trailer. Only 20% of my audience fell below the middle of my scale showing that I have mostly met the requirements of my audience. This paired with the fact that all of my audience were successfully able to identify the film's genre of teen drama shows that I managed to meet most of the requirements of the genre.

One way I thought I could improve my trailer was through the sound. I was initially unsure whether it worked well with the narrative. However, the majority of my audience felt it did. When asked why many said they felt the change of music from the classical piece to the more electronic piece clearly showed the character development. On the other hand, a small number of my audience didn't feel the music worked well, syaing it was too comical for the darker tone of my product.

As the task was to produce 3 products that worked together to promote my film I felt it was important I asked my audience what they felt of the three as a whole. 75% of my audience believed they worked well ut 25%, a significant proportion of my audience, did not. They suggested I should have used similar font on all 3 products.

I wanted to see who had answered my questionnaire as I established a target audience of 80% female and 20% male in my initial audience research. My feedback had similar proportions. Interestingly, I found that the males were less likely the want to see the film, giving the lower ratings. This shows that I have met what I set out to do in terms of audience appeal.

Finally I asked my audience to state what they thought worked well and what didn't for both my magazine and poster:

Worked well
  • seperation of characters works well to hint at the plot
  • colours went well together
  • the photos at the bottom looked like mugshots hinting at the plot of deviancy
  • font engages

Could be improved

  • 'This Winter' is too hard to read
  • brick wall is too busy
  • one character is slightly cut out


Worked well

  • composition is good
  • has the conventions of a magazine cover
  • simplistic style is clear and effective
  • colours give a sense of youth linking to the genre
  • text is clear
  • articles are interesting

Could be improved

  • too many different font styles
  • use more colour
  • too much white
  • use the space on the right more effectively.

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