Friday 8 October 2010

Audience Research

I conducted my audience research by using a mixture of Google Documents and Facebook.
I created a form on Google Documents which allowed people to access my questionnaire quickly and easily, making my audience more likely to take the time to fill it out.

I then sent the link to people via Facebook messages asking them to complete my research .I received the results on a spreadsheet in Google Documents making it easy for me to access and analyse.
Firstly I wanted to establish the demographics of my audience so I asked questions about gender and age.
I found out that my audience were approximately 20% male and 80% female so this is the demographic I am going to aim my film at.

I am aiming my film at the age range of 15-20 year olds, meaning the highest classification it can have is a 15. Most of the people who responded to my questionnaire were either 17 or 18 years old so although I will be focusing on the wide range of 15-20 I will be focusing more on the specific ages of 17 and 18.

Next I needed to find out the psychographics of my audience. Although I had decided previously that I am going to make a teaser trailer for a teen drama, I asked my audience their favourite genre to see if I could create a hybrid.The majority of my audience said they preferred the genre of comedy so I will try to incorporate aspects of comedy in my trailer.I then asked my audience what makes them want to see a film, nearly half said the teaser trailer is the most important, followed by film posters and stars. Obviously, I cannot have big names in my film, so I will focus mostly on the teaser trailer, then the film poster, followed by the magazine cover.

Most of my audience like a poster to be predominantly images, none chose the option of predominantly text. They also like vibrant colours. I will use mostly images and try to use vibrant colours when creating my film poster. as it will then be more likely to appeal to my audience.

Most of my audience do not read film magazines. I asked them what magazines they like to read if they do not read film magazines. The most popular was music magazines so for my magazine cover I will try to incorporate conventions of a music magazine.

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