Thursday 23 September 2010

Product Research - 127 Hours Teaser Trailer

  • The trailer opens with the institutions of the film such as Fox Searchlight, however much more time is spent focusing on the director, Danny Boyle, showing he is well established and this is what will draw the audience in.
  • It has a vague release date of 'This Fall' which is conventional for teaser trailers as they designed to make sure the audience have a prolonged interest.
  • The phrase 'Takes you on a ride' is a pun as the main character is on a bike at the beginning of the trailer
  • Long and wide shots are used to establish the location and show how alone the man is.
  • The sign 'Next service 100 miles' also shows how isolated he is from society
  • He is normally centre frame showing he is the most important character of the film.
  • 'Based on a true story' will intrigue the audience as they all want to find out what happens to this man as he is a real person.
  • The camera zooms out showing how far down he is and how deserted the area is. This shows he is unlikely to be saved, leaving the trailer on a cliffhanger and creating a lot of interest amongst the audience.

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